Friday, January 4, 2013

Song of the Week

Sometimes all it takes to brighten up my mood is a good song from the good ol' days that always seems to be popping into my head. You know those songs that are catchy and you want to hate? Embrace the catchiness. I know catchy songs make me feel better. Who cares if they happen to be sung by Justin Beiber or One Direction. 

Music and dancing has always been a VERY big part of my life. I'm very passionate about music that makes me happy and makes me wanna dance. This is one of those songs I gotta sing along and bob my head to. I would get up and dance if I could.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

All Aboard!

Life is a journey. We've all heard that before. So why do I feel like everything else has just been moving on without me? Yeah, it is pretty cliche for someone to wanna make a change for the better when a new year has just started (Yes, I am trying to avoid the word "resolution"), but so what! Why on earth have I been focusing on what other people think of me?! I feel like I've forgotten to be human, to live, to not only be someone but to be ME.
I am so done with that.

I'm ready to live. Be that girl that's inside of me trying to fight her way out. I'm tired of being shy and feeling depressed and left out! It's about time I start treating myself just as good as I would treat anybody else. I want to find my voice so that I can help girls like me find theirs. With this first post I declare to give myself importance. To future readers of this blog, I say, come on a journey with me.